When an olympic champion was being interviewed how he managed to win the game, he easily answer "i simply started with my first step at that time". Yes, he simply moved on his first step and just realized and understood well how it felt.
Then i tried to understand these one day. I keep on searching an answer, no, so many answers maybe while still running. I try to see every face and shape, to smell every fragrance, to feel every situation inside or outside, while still running. I was so exhausted yet confused what i have done and what i am doing. Imagine we are looking for someone by running through thousands people. Or finding for a rose fragrance by smelling many bouquet flowers quickly. Can i possibly get what i want? Can i possibly find what i am looking for? Possibly we can say. With a bigger possibly no. =)
"In the middle of our way to the big things we are living for, we need to stop just a while. Take a deep breath, ease our heartbeating, and look around. Wait and see. Things we normally didn't see, even the smallest things, will appear clearly, and surprisingly beautiful that we are glad for it. At that very time, all we can feel is thankful and gladful. How come all of these were unseen to me? How fool I was ignoring these. Then slowly, those big things come up just as fresh as what we can remember at the first time we create them."
Well that's what someone say about life. Always about life. What i can say is, stop for a while and just enjoy things you are doing, and be thankful for things you already got. And remember to move again. ;)
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Sumber gambar:http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs15/f/2007/010/0/1/stop_by_Heile.jpg